Monday, 1 June 2009

New Blog Because I'm Married!!!


So Brady and I are married. We have a new blog so I won't be updating this one anymore!! Our new blog is

THANKS!!!!!! :)

Monday, 4 May 2009


So I entered this contest to try and win a cool Mother's Day present for my mom! If you guys could vote for me (and maybe tell your friends?) I would be so so happy!!! I always enter contests and never win but I really want to win this one! Haha, I know I am pretty far behind, but hey anything is possible right? And SOMEONE has to win! So why not me? All you have to do is go to this link and press vote for this profile! Thanks guys!!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

12 days!!

So I get married in 12 days!!! Ah Crazy! I am so excited. The last few weeks have been pretty crazy with school ending and the last few days at school and trying to finish planning everything for the wedding. I flew home on Friday morning and went straight to my bridal shower which was the cutest thing ever!! It was a ton of fun and I am so happy and grateful for all the stuff we got! This week is jam packed with different things we have to do. On Saturday I fly back to Salt Lake for my sister in law's wedding. Then we drive home the next day and that week is even crazier! Then on Friday we get married!!!!!

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Update on my life

My life has been really crazy the last few months. This is the hardest semester I have ever had in school. I'm trying to get an internship in San Antonio for the summer. Does anyone have any connections or thoughts?? Brady and I get married in like 36 days or something crazy!! I'm so excited! For conference weekend we went up to the Jardine's cabin. It was so nice to get away from Provo for the night!! Anyway, I am very happy and can't wait for May! :)

Saturday, 7 March 2009

I'm Engaged!!!!!!!!!

That's right!! I'm getting married to Brady Fish on May 15, 2009!! We are both so excited!! We dated a little bit in 2007 and were reunited June 2008. Brady is my very best friend and I love him so so much! I can't wait!!

The proposal: We went to Kiwanis Park in Provo on Thursday to play catch with a football. This is where we said goodbye in 2007 when I went to BYU Hawaii and he moved to Georgia. It is also the same park where we were reunited this summer. Anyway, it was around 6:00 pm so the sun was just about to set and it was the most beautiful night. I actually had the thought "man this would be a great time to propose!" After jamming my finger, I thought he was going to go it and I got really nervous. But he didn't do it. So we played a little more till he decided he wanted Taco Bell and we needed to go get it right that second. We got in the car and not 3 seconds later I said "I thought you were going to propose back there!" Right then, he turned the car around and said he would. I was freaking out because I didn't want him just to do it because I had said that. So once he parked the car he said he just wanted to slow dance to this rascal flatts song (we had done that a couple years ago). I got out of the car and we danced to the one song against my will. I hurried and got back in and he said he wanted to dance to one more song (Faith Hill-Breathe). I really didn't want to, but I said okay and right when I got out of the car he got down on one knee. I was so surprised!! Right when he got down, I started crying really hard. I was so happy!!! Anyway, I was just so excited and happy and I can't wait for May 15!!!!!!!

Monday, 26 January 2009

TAG from Lauren!

So I know I need to update, but Lauren just tagged me in one of those things and I feel like doing it right now!!

1. What time did you get up this morning? 8:00
2. Have you brushed your hair yet today? yes
3. What is the name of the last song you listened to? "I'm a Balla" by chingy haha
4. Do you like to text? Yes but I would rather just call!
5. Facebook or My Space? Facebook for sure
6. Where is your favorite place to go? Carlsbad over 4th of July and I like my cabin!
7. Do you have a passport? Yes
8. Are you in love? Yes I am!!!
9. Have you ever had a broken heart? I think a little bit
10. When was the last time you "laughed your head off"? Yesterday driving home from church with my roommates...and in sacrament meeting!! we are bad!
11. When was the last time you cried? Last night
12. What is the best gift you have ever gotten? I really liked Lauren's answer, but I'm not I"m just going to say my friends and family and Brady!
13. What was the best day of your life? I dont think it has happened yet, but I think the day we said "I love you"
14. What was the worst day of your life? When I found out my dad had a brain tumor
15. Pepsi or Coke? Neither, but I would take coke
16. Are you wearing socks? Yes, not matching white ones
17. Did you like high school? yes!
18. Where is the last place you went out to eat? Costa Vida
19. What is your biggest accomplishment in the past year? getting closer to graduation
20. What is one random fact about you? i can eat more than my boyfriend!