So it's December 7 and there still has not been one snow storm! I'm not even mad. It has been the nicest weather! I am just worried that because the winter is starting so late that it is going to go until June or something crazy. The last few weeks have been really fun! On Monday, Kate and her roommates threw their other roommate a mocktail bday party. Everybody had to come in cocktail attire and drink virgin cocktails. It was so fun!

It was Brady's birthday this week so Tuesday I planned a huge Tucanos dinner with a bunch of our friends.
Then Wednesday night I surprised him with tickets to the Jazz game. It was really fun! I also got him the game Settlers of Catan, which every boy loves. I have never played, but of course once we started playing I loved it! We are both really competitive so things have got a little heated at times, but it's fun.

Last night Brady, me and Lauren and Ryan went to the BYU vs. Utah State game in Salt Lake at the Energy Solutions Arena. Brady and his friends camped out for a couple days to get the best tickets, so our seats were on the floor!! The place was packed!! There were more people than the Jazz game on Wednesday! Afterward we went to dinner and walked around the temple lights. It was a great date night! I can't believe how soon Christmas is!! Oh and PS I cut bangs and I don't know how I feel about them!