The proposal: We went to Kiwanis Park in Provo on Thursday to play catch with a football. This is where we said goodbye in 2007 when I went to BYU Hawaii and he moved to Georgia. It is also the same park where we were reunited this summer. Anyway, it was around 6:00 pm so the sun was just about to set and it was the most beautiful night. I actually had the thought "man this would be a great time to propose!" After jamming my finger, I thought he was going to go it and I got really nervous. But he didn't do it. So we played a little more till he decided he wanted Taco Bell and we needed to go get it right that second. We got in the car and not 3 seconds later I said "I thought you were going to propose back there!" Right then, he turned the car around and said he would. I was freaking out because I didn't want him just to do it because I had said that. So once he parked the car he said he just wanted to slow dance to this rascal flatts song (we had done that a couple years ago). I got out of the car and we danced to the one song against my will. I hurried and got back in and he said he wanted to dance to one more song (Faith Hill-Breathe). I really didn't want to, but I said okay and right when I got out of the car he got down on one knee. I was so surprised!! Right when he got down, I started crying really hard. I was so happy!!! Anyway, I was just so excited and happy and I can't wait for May 15!!!!!!!