So summer is still awesome. I seriously can't even think of what I have done the last week. It's weird. All the days just blend together as one massive ball of fun. Last weekend I went on a date with Brady to see Batman (which was great...but long), and afterwards we went to Chatters (same as In n' Out), then went to the lake! It was night and it was a full moon so the lake was amazing! It was way fun. We also like to take motorcycle rides up the canyon and it's beautiful!! Saturday night I went on a date to the American Fork carnival. That was different. I never knew Utah was so....what's the word? I really don't think there is a word for whatever these people are. Anyway, last night I planned a reunion with my friends from London. We ate at Goodwood then came back to my apartment and made crepes and watched the video of pictures I made. It was so fun!!! I love those girls. Every time we get together it's just like a huge party! We are always laughing and it's tons of fun. I am being an EFY counselor starting on Monday and I am really nervous. Because it's one of the last sessions, they aren't having a training session for the counselors and it's REALLY stressing me out!!! I need a training session! I have never been a counselor before haha! It's going to be awesome though! I hope I am the counselor that every girl wishes they had. I am coming home on August 5 for Lauren's wedding. I still can't believe she is getting married. WEIRD! And Camille is having a baby in 2 months what? I need to step up my game. I'm falling behind in the world of my friends! But its ok because I love my life!!!!!
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