It's been way too long. The thought of how much updating I had to do to my blog was making me sick. Here it goes. Last Thursday we went to see a production of King Lear at the Globe Theater during the day. Cool right? Yeah except for the fact that we had to STAND for the entire 3 hour production IN THE RAIN!!!! and our teachers and their children were seated nicely in expensive seats. I wanted to shoot myself. I just left halfway through because I was freezing and it was the worst day ever. The next morning we left to go to the Roman Baths and Stonehenge. They were both really cool, but not what I was expecting. That night we stayed in another bed and breakfast and when a lot of my friends went out clubbing, I decided to stay in. I just got in bed and watched t.v. It was sooooo nice!!! I have not watched t.v. in the longest time and the break from the world was great!!! That night we got back to London and we went to the Flogging Molly concert!! It was so so so cool!! It was really the craziest thing I have ever been too in my entire life but I loved every second!!!! I even got to meet one of the guys from the band afterwards! Sunday we went to Trafalgar Square and watched Romeo and Juliet the ballet put on by the big London production company. It was shown on a huge screen and it was live!!! There were thousands of people in the square watching it. It was so fun to be a part of it! This morning I had a presentation for my class and we did a fashion show and talked about the differences between fashion in the US and in London. It went really well! We had a runway with lights and sheets. It was fun. Now I am sick in bed. Not fun.
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